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emotional storytelling

Client: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.

Year: 2011-2021

Annual conference with an award ceremony & members meeting

As panroyal & onliveline, we created from 2011 – 2021, the annual award ceremony for Fraunhofer, major German Research & Development organization. This included the widely acclaimed shows of the award ceremony, as well as the official members meetings.

Awards: BrandEX 2x Gold, 2x silver, 1x bronze | BEAworld 1x gold, 1x silver, 3x bronze | ADC 1x silver (storytelling), 2x bronze, 1x awarded | ADC*E 1x gold | OPUS award | Galaxy 1x gold, 1x silver, 3x bronze

2015: Lamps as performers 

The year of light – lamps are on stage – an orchestra. They are our performers. They interact with video and speakers, they explore, they play, they tell stories. Every movement contains a sound, a subtext, a character – that is how they become alive.

But the story is larger. It is a reflection on technic, personification and interaction. It reflects Fraunhofer being an applied science corporation and initiates discussions. A playful trigger for visionary developments.

2017: interactive exhibit & walkable show all over Dresden

meaningful, innovative storytelling

For about 15 years, we have developed the anniversary event for the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. Every year, we found a new, innovative way of presenting their highly awarded projects. In 2017, we were in Dresden and extended the award ceremony into an interactive exhibit, a digital plattform presenting all institutes and a walkable tour, presenting stories of Fraunhofer and Dresden in an artistic fashion.

What a pleasure, working for such a wonderful, necessary, innovative client.